Crossbank Dental Care Referrals
We would like to offer you a referral service for implant, complex & restorative surgery, cosmetic and minor oral surgery. Sedation is available for any or all of the above.

Referring a patient
We are able to combine excellent clinical skills with outstanding customer service in an atmosphere that is warm, friendly and relaxed.
Pleased be assured that your patients are not eligible to become members of our practice.
In this relationship everyone benefits:
We can work together expanding the range of treatments you can offer your patients.
You’ll develop your knowledge of implant and complex dentistry.
Your patients gain an improved quality of life through a sense of security and confidence that you have their best interests at heart.
Crossbank's referral protocol
As a referring colleague you will receive, for your records:
a copy of the web-referral (for your audit trail)
a copy of your patients written treatment plan
an update following each stage of treatment with pertinent details of the treatment process
a treatment completion report and post-operative radiographs
a copy of the radiographs at the 1 year review and detailed instruction on how to provide continuing monitoring
Would you like to know more?

We would be pleased to provide you with a dedicated referral folder containing information about Crossbank and our treatment philosophy so that you can refer your patients with confidence. Please be assured, a referred patient is not eligible to join the practice.
Alternatively, please contact the practice by telephone or via the e-mail form below to arrange a chat with Neil.
We look forward to hearing from you.