Dental Implant Training
Explore our dental implant training courses below.

Simple Implant Restoration
A popular informal evening presentation for colleagues who would like to develop an interest in restoring dental implants but would like to avoid the stresses of the surgical aspects.
You will learn how to restore an implant crown referred to Neil for placement.
A free restorative kit is available to all who refer a patient.
6:30pm for 7:00pm start. Light refreshments provided.
Places are limited to keep the group small to ensure you get the most from the evening.
The Full Arch Immediate Load concept brings 'Teeth In A Day' to Cumbria.
Chosen as the 'Immediate Load' centre for the North, Crossbank provides this concept for those with a failing dentition, who are partially dentate or completely edentulous to provide an immediate transition to an immediately loaded fixed bridge.
Get a chance to see the Full Arch Immediate Load Concept in real time!
Experience how our skilled team of clinicians, technicians and nurses deliver one of the most cost effective ways to return patients to fixed teeth...and change their lives!
Get in touch to find out when the next Fast and Fixed date is.
Full Arch Immediate Load Concept